I'm still in for one.
I am on to casting. I am going to attempt to create a silicon rubber mold, and cast some of these out of silicon. The material I have identified for the parts is very flexible and can be colored with a UV resistant coloring, so if I can get the quality right I should be able to also reproduce something close to the original gray. More later...
Hi Markos - Questions on your suggestion:
As to item 3, I had looked into vinyl and found a couple of problems. First, I am not sure the little visible lines that arise from the 3d printing process are going to be acceptable. And any processing after printing (either etching or sanding) adds substantially to the cost. Second, and more importantly, I am not sure the lip will come out looking right with a rigid material. I believe the tension created against the inside of the lip causes the top of the lip to press tightly against the base as the material seeks to return to its original shape. Without this tension, there will be a gap between the gasket and the base (just as there would be with a die cut part).
As to item 4, you seem to be suggesting that the model could be used to create an aluminum mold. I've looked into this, and if I have this right that would require CNC machining, which would be cost prohibitive.
i made one from a sheet of bituthane roofing membrane
took 5 minutes. 1/16" thick
Pictures please
Roofing membrane? Not for me.