same wheels as were on the 850i i bought .... was my first thing , ditch those wheels for Mpars.Nice coupe but man do those wheels look terrible...
Air dam painted and installed, protection film affixed. Going to run boy racer sans bumper for a bit.Managed to not avoid a section of steel highway guard rail cable which bounced off a couple of cars before slapping my front air dam. Happened at “highway” speed and made a God awful noise. Thankfully, no damage to painted car surfaces, but the air dam will need minor repair, a repaint and another protective film.
I repaired ,painted , and installed the tool tray
Thank You, I laminated metal to the broken ears so that area is strong , but with the weight of tools [not that I have a set] it would crack somewhere else, that plastic is just to old and fragile.
whoops, that was the before picture.You left the backing on?