Locked my keys inside my Coupe.

Just as I was closing my driver door, I felt something was not right....slam! Yes I could see my keys still in ignition. Dam! I had left my vent window open and thought I could just reach in and pull up on handle inside door. Nope, need a child size arm with the small gap that was available. Then I saw an auto parts store close by and assumed they would be sympathetic. I just needed an old, original, thick, coat hanger and I could be free. Their suggestion was to call a tow truck. Back at my car I realized my trunk was unlocked. Opened up and felt like MacGyver scanning what was available to liberate my car. There it was, a genuine BMW Keilriemen! Managed to lower it inside vent window, and hook onto inner door handle...and success! Lesson : always pack original parts, and leave trunk unlocked, and leave vent window open some, then you can do this too! Better yet, just remember your key!

BTW, the drive was fabulous, did not even care about locking my key inside, these cars are so fun!