All of my time lately have been put on the garage, but I've managed to get some important pieces sorted, first of all I got my 16" Alpina closed-hub wheels refinished.
I had the centers painted satin black and thanks to Markos who gave me a hint what to search for, I've managed to source some black universal cup holders that fit the bigger center-bore of the closed-hub Alpinas.
Still need to cut the cups down a bit, but that will be done when I have the wheels on the car.
I also bought a ducktail spoiler from daddywad here on the forum, spoiler looks great just need to fit it to the trunk lid and get it painted.
(Our greyhound is checking it out from a distance, still afraid of the table which he managed to break the glass in the day before

I've also bought a pair of early 70's Scheelmann 400-series seats from Gerrit, they are in need of new cloth but otherwise in good condition.
He also sold me new cloth that is the closest match to the original Scheel-cloth, so that is the theme for the interior, black scheel cloth and black leather/vinyl.
I have no photos of these yet as they are separated to pieces after the shipping and they are soon off to the upholsterer.
I've put alot of time into the garage project the last month, and it's progressing nicely, can share some pictures to fill out this update a bit.
So this is how we left it last fall, we used it as a carport over the winter.
Started with the first layer of wall insulation:
Put up plastic on the walls:
Here we have installed the wind "guides" that prevents the roof insulation from wind turbulence when it's storming (red arrow), you can also see we put in some 2x4 to raise the attic floor to be able to use thicker roof insulation.
Here we built the frame for the foldable attic stairs:
Time to put up plastic in the roof:
All done with the plastic:
Then started to put up the wood boards:
Then it was time for the wood boards on the walls:
Time to put hard insulation under the attic floor: