The end is near....SCOTTeVEST's Baby

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Thank you. This does not include the shock tower wrap material but it is pretty good

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ordered!!! thanks very much. i hope i can tell the difference. very excited.

Well, here we go. After ordering these awhile ago, I just got an email that these won't ship until May, so I am at square 1 on shocks/struts again. I see I am supposed to buy the HD versions per above, but the only thing per above that is now available is here or B6 versions. I called this company for the HD version, but their mailbox is full. Any thoughts on precisely where to go to buy shocks/struts? I can't believe how much chasing is required for a "simple" paint job.... LOL

Trying to figure out the difference between these 2 items that look identical from same seller on eBay, but way different prices. for $634 for $1003

I wrote the seller to inquire. This looks like my final option. These are B6, not HD.
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From the angle of the sheetmetal behind the roundel, I would say they were built to avoid capturing water rather than draining it. I believe they are part of the extraction process that makes air flow through the cabin. Without that the back seat would be even less comfortable, and the windows would fog in damp weather.
The C pillar roundels hide air vents, not drains to my knowledge and experience.

From the angle of the sheetmetal behind the roundel, I would say they were built to avoid capturing water rather than draining it. I believe they are part of the extraction process that makes air flow through the cabin. Without that the back seat would be even less comfortable, and the windows would fog in damp weather.

I poked around the site a bit and this is what I learned. I was wrong about the two piece sunroof drain. I haven’t taken apart the back half of my car so I’m learning as I go. I don’t want to give your shop bad info.

The sunroof drain is in fact a one piece tube. It exits *behind the rear wheel well in the trunk area. See the pic from @Sven below. His tubes are cut but you can see the c-pillar drain in front and the sunroof drain in the rear. The good news is that there shouldn’t be any gunk in that steel funnel. I think the funnel is more for the rear window water than the c-pillar roundel itself.

Two drains:

As teahead mentioned all cars should have this drain. This one is modified by @vraned to exit away from the rocker, in the wheel well. Once could make this modification without removing the fender. See my earlier pics:

Original c-pillar (non-sunroof) drain:
The C-pillar roundels definitely have drain tubes, I rerouted mine out the the rear wheel wells instead of into the rockers.
Learned something new today.

Thank you Markos!

Ditto! The area around the c-pillar doesn’t make a lot of sense. It is not a drain for the rear window. Looking at it now, it is welded shut there. It really just is for the c-pillar moisture to drain. I can’t imagine that this is actually a significant source of water flow. Where would it come from? You can go from the roundel to the drain, but it is about a 1mm slot in the sheetmetal. Last pic:

Click to enlarge:
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I don’t believe the sunroof drains into the trunk, it goes below the rear quarter window. The drain you point out looks like the gas vapor return line perhaps.
Scott, I would recommend Benny et al. re-route the drains out of the rocker and into the wheel well as well. Anyone have any concerns with that? Sure, gunk can build up in the wheel well, but a lot easier to clean out.
Scott, I would recommend Benny et al. re-route the drains out of the rocker and into the wheel well as well. Anyone have any concerns with that? Sure, gunk can build up in the wheel well, but a lot easier to clean out.

I can’t imagine that the c-pillar rocker drain sees any water. It seems like more of a condensation drain to me.

I don’t believe the sunroof drains into the trunk, it goes below the rear quarter window. The drain you point out looks like the gas vapor return line perhaps.

I’m glad that I am not the only one who found this confusing. The sunroof does in fact drain in the trunk. All of those concerns about the sunroof and rust are still valid, because the front drain does end up in the rocker. Also, this is where Scott has a hole in his trunk (on the other side of the shark fin). And my car has fiberglass by the drain hole.

Pics from my parts car. Ignore the polaris overspray and fiberglass.Not only is the drain on both sides, but there are welded factory tabs to hold the tube in place. The same tabs as the c-pillar drain.

Click to enlarge:

Passenger Side:


Driver Side:


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Well..if it goes outside, then we don't need to worry about that going the rocker. Maybe have a "T" from the C-pillar drain join the sunroof drain and they both go outside the same hole pointed above?
Well..if it goes outside, then we don't need to worry about that going the rocker. Maybe have a "T" from the C-pillar drain join the sunroof drain and they both go outside the same hole pointed above?

This (as seen in your pic) is doable without removing the fender. You would need to hold the drill on the trunk side, use a long bit, and punch through the little blocking plate shown in my pics. It's a waste of time IMO. That c-pillar drain can't see much if any water. Think about it this way. If it sees water, you are driving in the rain. If you are driving in the rain, the rocker is getting more water from the road than from that drain.
The two eBay shocks that you mention being the same but different price...are actually not the same. If you read the description one set is for 2 litre coups and the other for 3 litre coupes which are obviously Heavier in front

Using google to search for the parts yields a few suppliers in the US with inventory and will also explain the difference between b6 and b8. Not an expert but. I know for sure that b8s are for lowered cars and are pretty stiff. I thought b6 was similar to HD and for standard height.
If you do use the ‘car tuning point’ place in Germany to order several things like shocks and mounts and struts and strut bearings be sure to get them to invoice you an amount with combined shipping discount or you will be trying to run them down for a shipping refund. They promised me a shipping refund but are not delivering so far... They actually took a longer time (closer to 3 weeks)than the other tuner I mentioned
Further, the tuning point stuff arrived damaged, which looks like an anomaly that could have happened to anyone, see pic, but, just saying....
Anyways, it pays to do some research....
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